Dental Emergency

The COVID-19 epidemic has severely impacted dental care, forcing cancellations and office closures. The timing of routine examinations, consultations, and aesthetic treatments like tooth whitening has been changed.

Treating patients with dental emergencies is the main emphasis of open dentistry practices. The American Dental Association advises assessing whether a problem is an urgent dental issue or if it can wait. In this post, we'll talk about dental emergencies and why seeking professional help is crucial.

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency includes any dental issue that needs immediate attention. Not every dental problem is an emergency. However, you need dental emergency care if you have broken face bones, uncontrollable bleeding, or discomfort that won't go away with medication.

Worrisome Signs That Could Indicate a Dental Emergency

Four major categories of dental symptoms could indicate an emergency: Pain, bruising, swelling, or trauma, like a knocked-out, fractured, or loose tooth. When deciding whether or not to visit the dentist, it's essential to weigh your level of discomfort with the potential severity of the problem if you don't get treatment.

Patients may worry about visiting the hospital emergency room if some dental issues are serious. In general, this is not advised. Doctors in emergency rooms aren't dentists and lack the proper knowledge to treat the pain. If the issue has a medical component, patients might be able to receive therapy. For instance, patients might receive painkillers, anti-fever medications, sutures, or have a fractured jawbone fixed. However, they should try to see whether a dentist can offer emergency services in place of them.

Types of Dental Emergencies

Here are some of the major dental emergencies that need quick expert attention:


Pain is never a good indication because it can signify several illnesses, including tooth decay. Furthermore, while certain toothaches are treatable without needing emergency care, some symptoms, such as swelling, call for immediate attention. It’s recommended to place a cold compress outside your cheeks and call an emergency dental clinic.

Knocked-out Tooth

Pick up the tooth by the crown, the part visible in the mouth, much like a chipped or broken tooth, and rinse the root if it's dirty. If possible, try to stay away from rubbing and ripping related tissue fragments. You might be able to replace the tooth depending on the level of damage, but avoid forcing it into the socket. The faster you can save and repair a knocked-out tooth, the better. If you can't get the tooth back, put it in a little cup with milk, water, and salt.

Chipped or Broken Teeth

Did you perhaps bite down a little too firmly? A cracked or fractured tooth can hurt and spoil your beautiful smile. Apply gauze to the bleeding area and rinse the mouth with warm water. Then, use a cool compress on the area of your face closest to the chipped or broken tooth to lessen discomfort and swelling. Your dentist will urge you to avoid sports, other activities that could result in teeth breaking, and hard and crunchy meals while receiving emergency dental care.

Broken Orthodontics

Braces consist of sturdy metal brackets and wires that withstand daily tension from biting, eating, and talking. Even so, they may still break, protrude, or stab your cheeks or gums. In addition to hurting, this can interfere with or even reverse the process of straightening and aligning teeth. You can attempt to move the damaged wire into a more convenient position by doing this when this occurs. If this isn't possible, use a small cotton ball or a piece of gauze to cover the exposed end. If swallowing is bothering you, don't cut the cable.

Crown or Lost Filling

Crowns and fillings restore previously damaged teeth, improving their appearance and functionality. Therefore, you must treat them when they break to prevent further harm or reinfection. Please do not attempt to repair the tooth yourself to avoid harming it; instead, insert a piece of sugar-free gum into the cavity. You can also place the restoration in a pouch and bring it to our DeLand dentist to have it redone or replaced with a new crown.


Mouth infections are severe, especially those around the root of a tooth or between the teeth and the gums. They can infect adjoining gum tissue, surrounding teeth, the entire body, and other teeth if neglected. Are you unsure whether you have an abscess? Check your gums for any sore, pimple-like swelling. Call your Orange City dentist immediately for emergency care to prevent worsening oral health issues. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with a mild water solution and place an ice pack over the sore spot for short-term relief.

How Should You Handle Dental Emergencies Before Visiting the Dentist?

Warm water rinse, tooth flossing, and pain medications like naproxen, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen are all effective treatments for toothaches. Let your dentist see you if you have a chip or crack in your tooth. If any sharp edges irritate your tongue or cheeks, cover them with orthodontic wax. While you wait to visit your dentist, carefully bend the wire and wrap it with braces wax if you have damaged braces. Using dental floss, carefully remove anything stuck in the space between your teeth. If you have a mild soft tissue injury, press firmly on the affected area while rinsing your mouth with antibacterial mouthwash or saltwater solution. Get quick medical attention if excessive bleeding continues.

Why Should You Contact Dentists for Dental Emergencies?

Dental emergencies can occur anytime for a variety of reasons. The most frequent dental emergencies are abscesses, knocked-out teeth, acute toothaches, and broken or chipped teeth. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, you should immediately get medical help. You should visit a Titusville dentist, depending on the seriousness of the situation.

For instance, you should visit a hospital emergency department if you have a fractured or dislocated jaw, significant wounds or lacerations to the face or mouth, an infection that is very swollen or that is interfering with your ability to breathe or swallow, or if you have any other of the following conditions.

Conversely, you must see a dentist immediately if you have chipped, fractured, loose, or misaligned teeth and tooth sensitivity. It is crucial to remember that dental emergencies call for various levels of care depending on how serious they are. As a result, it is best to speak with a medical expert to decide what steps to take in your particular circumstance.

The Bottom Line

Any dental injury that causes unbearable pain, excessive bleeding, or facial distortion is a dental emergency. Even severe issues like movable teeth, tooth loss, or infection might arise from an ignored dental emergency. The key is prompt, effective treatment. Calling a South Daytona dentist should be your first action if you have a dental emergency.

Therefore, if you are experiencing symptoms above, contact Universal Smiles Dentistry. We are a team of skilled dentists with years of experience dealing with similar issues. We ensure the best treatment, making the whole process pain-free. Contact our team to book your appointment now!